Friday, September 16, 2011

HW#5d -- Friday, Sept. 16

The third part of this HW is to make sure that the "M&M Model Atom" worksheet that we started in class is complete, accurate, and in your binder. Your element model should look just like the two in the problems below...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

HW#5c -- Thursday, Sept. 15

The HW for today is to complete the 'BrainPop - Atoms' worksheet that we worked on in class today. As usual, if you were absent, you can find this worksheet on the back table, by the pencil sharpener/tissues/lotion.

!!! Use your notes from being in class, or the internet, to look up any of the answers that you are not sure of !!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

No HW for Monday, Sept. 12

We did not learn a new concept today, and in fact took a test on a handful of topics we recently explored. On days like this, it will often happen that I will choose to not post a new assignment. Enjoy the (brief) break!