We took the atoms test today. You will be able to see how you did over the next few days if you check your gradebook online account at student.cps.k12.il.us
Otherwise, the grades will be posted, along with your most recent binder and HW grades, on the wall when you return.
Those of you failing due to a lack of completed work on time, please be smart and use the time over the break to do any one of three things to improve your grade:
1) Complete old HW that you never did on time (this includes any HW that you wrote down in class on Monday while we were checking it, because this is NOT doing it on time)
2) If you missed any days of class, get the missing do nows, notes and worksheets from a classmate and copy them into your binder.
3) Complete the extra credit HW packet. If you did not pick it up from me on Thursday after school, you can get it here (click for link).
Have a good break, and get your mind right for school when we pick back up again on Oct. 17th.
-- Mr. Mikulski