Thursday, February 9, 2012

HW#18a -- Thursday, Feb. 9th

A polite reminder -- many students have not yet turned in the bottom of their Syllabus Update (golden sheet), signed by a parent or guardian. This is one of the first grades of the second semester, and an easy one at that. Don't delay in getting it done.

A second polite reminder -- since we missed binder checks the other day, I will instead do it on Friday (tomorrow), before the test. The days I will most likely check are Jan. 31 (with the Chembalancer practice on the back side) and Feb. 1 (with the Lantern Lab report as the practice).

And now, on to the HW assignment:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

HW for today -- finish "Balancing Equations" practice WS

The HW for tonight will be to complete a piece of practice that you should keep in your notebook. This worksheet was handed out today, and was called "Balancing Equations." It has a FRONT and BACK side, with a total of six problems. For each problem, you need to complete the final count on the atoms table AND write the correct coefficients into the equations. For example, #2 should have all of this information filled in: