Thursday, April 12, 2012

HW#24c -- Friday, April 13th

The assignment for Friday is to finish your "Substance Adventure" essay and email it to me at

This is only if you have not already sent me the completed essay. If you send it to me completed before midnight on Friday, you can still get the maximum credit for it. If I receive it instead sometime on Saturday, it will have a late penalty, and if I receive it before next Monday at midnight, it will have an extra late penalty. After Monday, it will be too late to send it in.

These can help you finish it:



HW#24b -- Thursday, April 12th

The HW assignment for today is to read the page of text [HERE] and then write out and answer these questions:

1) According to the website, what are the five known states of matter (we only talked about the most common three in class)

2) As you DECREASE energy, how do the states of matter change? (ie, from what, to what next, to what next, etc.)

3) How does a chemical change differ from a physical change in a substance?

Finishing stories that were left on a laptop... (instead of emailed)

Click [HERE] to browse for and find the file you left on a laptop yesterday.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

HW#24a -- Tuesday, April 10th

Welcome back from spring break. This is the first of the assignments for this week's homework. Remember, these are about 20% of your grade, so it is important to take the time to practice the stuff we introduce in class at home.

For each problem below, use the table [HERE] to figure out what state (gas, liquid or solid) the sample started in, and what state it ended up in.

1) A sample of mercury starts out at 560 degrees K, and then cools down (ie, the temperature decreases) by 100 K.

2) A sample of ethyl alcohol starts out at 153 degrees K, and then it heats up (ie, the temperature increases) by 100K).

3) A sample of gold starts out at 300 degrees K (fridge temperature). Then, a chemist increases the temeprature by 1000 degrees K.

4) A sample of hydrogen starts out at 90 degrees K (colder than any temperature on earth), and then cools down even more to end up at 50 degrees K.

5) A sample of iron is in the earth's mantle (under the crust) where it is very hot -- 2,400 K. When a volcano spits out the sample onto Earth's surface, it cools down by 500 K.

6) A sample of oxygen starts out at 100 degrees K, and then its temperature is decreased to 60 degrees K.

7) A sample of nitrogen starts out at 100 degrees K, and then it is chilled down to 50 degrees K.

Makeup HW assignment due Thursday, April 12th

If you were working on the makeup homework allowance I had set aside for during spring break, the last day to turn it in to the box in my room is this Thursday.